Just as the human body is made up of 11 major systems that work in harmony (Circulatory, Digestive, Respiratory, Reproductive, Immune, Muscular, Skeletal, Nervous, etc.) the church is made up of several systems that all work together. These major systems have several lower interconnected systems that bring flow and alignment to your church.
Are you clear about the systems of your church? Do they work together? Do they work at all?
As you find clarity for the systems of your church, you are better able to lead your church into its preferred future.
Numinous System – Our level of being spirit led and guided as a community. Ourregular corporate tangible connection with God. This could be through services, prayer, or other moments in time.
Organization System – Our structure, leadership flow, and decision making, and execution. Clarity in vision, strategic planning, core convictions, policies & procedures.
Operational System – Functions that support the organization: Building, HR, Information, Accounting, Legal, Metrics, IT, Communication.
People System – How we facilitate levels of relationship, unity, and reconciliation within the church. How we integrate people who are new to our community to connected, contributing, and core leader.
Regeneration – How we connect with people into a relationship with God by building community bridges collectively and individually. Community awareness, community service, evangelism.
Disciple-Making – How we help people birth to death grow in their faith from new follower to spiritual grandparent. Classes, Groups, Life Events, Pathways.
Reproducing System – How we multiply ourselves as a sending and releasing community into other self-sustaining communities. Campus, planting, missions.