1. Dad’s are called to _____________ Gen 2:7-17 Eph 5:23 1 Cor 11:3 1 Pet 3:1 2. Dad’s are called to _____________ Gen 3:17 Luke 11:11 1 Tim 5:8 2 These 3:10 Ephesians 4:28 3. Dad’s are created to _____________ Gen 2:15 2 Sam 11:1 Eph 5:23, 28 1 Pet 3:7 4. Dads are created...Read More
Over the years, I’ve been personally affected by the negative choices of church leaders. As a young person, the pastor of my church was removed from leadership for moral failure. I remember the morning when it was announced. I remember the effects on the denomination, the television ministry, the church community, and the attached Christian...Read More
Romans 13 is often misunderstood. It does not ask you to submit unconditionally to government. It does tell you that God has established a citizen & government relationship that is required for harmony to happen in any good society. It requires both citizen and government to fulfill their duty! If one side does not fulfill their...Read More
Over the last several months, I’ve received many questions from believers about how they ought to relate to government and through these interactions, I’ve realized: 1. Churches and Christian leaders have not put a great emphasis on discipling people in this area of their lives. There are few classes, sermons, or small groups focused on relating...Read More