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relationships are the best and most challenging part about life

Should Christian’s Be Involved In Government And Politics?

1Let every person be subject (hypotassō) to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted(arranged) by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed(ordained), and those who resist will incur judgment. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good (agathos / moral) conduct, but to bad. Would you have...
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Fatherhood – The Making of A Man

1. Dad’s are called to _____________ Gen 2:7-17 Eph 5:23 1 Cor 11:3 1 Pet 3:1  2. Dad’s are called to _____________ Gen 3:17 Luke 11:11 1 Tim 5:8 2 These 3:10  Ephesians 4:28  3. Dad’s are created to _____________ Gen 2:15 2 Sam 11:1  Eph 5:23, 28  1 Pet 3:7  4. Dads are created...
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How To Find And Make Friends That Last

There are different levels of _________________ Prov 18:24 – The man of too many friends [chosen indiscriminately] will be broken in pieces and come to ruin, But there is a [true, loving] friend who [is reliable and] sticks closer than a brother. If you want friends, be ________________ Prov 19:6 – everyone is the friend...
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How to Respond to the Failure of Church Leaders

Over the years, I’ve been personally affected by the negative choices of church leaders. As a young person, the pastor of my church was removed from leadership for moral failure.  I remember the morning when it was announced.  I remember the effects on the denomination, the television ministry, the church community, and the attached Christian...
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Do I really need to confront and keep people accountable?

The Biblical narrative provides both the example and precedence for our participation in the accountability element of each other’s journey of faith.  In the Old Testament, the Mosaic civil law prescribed behavior expectations, restitution requirements, punitive effects, and a sacrificial element. In the New Testament Jesus’ followers are to be actively encouraging each other to...
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When my preferences go against another’s convictions

In Romans 14 and 1 Corinthians 8-10 we find that the early church is polarized by preferences – the issue of purchasing and eating meat used in idol worship.  This meat was generally cheaper in the markets because it was donated to “feed the pagan idols” and later sold to fund the pagan temples.  In...
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Don’t sweat the Non-Essentials

In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity.Rupertus Meldenius We all know this famous line but it is much easier said than done.  Especially because there isn’t always an agreement in the articulation about what the “essentials” and the “non-essentials” are.  Years ago, the Committee on Evangelical Unity in the Gospel attempted to...
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When my father immigrated to Canada in the 1960’s, he was bullied in a variety of ways because he was Italian. They called him Sandy – because they couldn’t pronounce his Italian name. He told me about his experience when I was a kid. He moved us into a multicultural community where we were the...
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Identifying Religious People

Have you ever heard a well meaning Christian friend or leader identify another Christian as “religious” or having a “religious spirit”? I’m sure no one reading these posts has ever done that? Smile. If you have or do – please stop. When you miss categorize someone this way you are doing more harm than good....
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Jesus Set Boundaries

Do you realize that Jesus set boundaries for his family, his disciples, and those he ministered to? Boundaries are healthy and we need to learn how to set them in our life.
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