1. Dad’s are called to _____________ Gen 2:7-17 Eph 5:23 1 Cor 11:3 1 Pet 3:1 2. Dad’s are called to _____________ Gen 3:17 Luke 11:11 1 Tim 5:8 2 These 3:10 Ephesians 4:28 3. Dad’s are created to _____________ Gen 2:15 2 Sam 11:1 Eph 5:23, 28 1 Pet 3:7 4. Dads are created...Read More
Did you know that the topic of finances was discussed by Jesus more than any other topic? Jesus talked about making and investing money. Jesus talked about spending money. Jesus even talked about giving money away. When the average person makes a decision to follow Jesus – they often forget that their pocketbook is a...Read More
If you take that first step – if you make the decision to come to Jesus and leave everything else – you will find that life will become a struggle. You will find that life becomes a fight. The life of a Christian is a life of battle. The life of a Christian isn’t a...Read More
Have you ever wanted to see God face to face? I know that many people don’t believe God exists because they haven’t seen or touched Him. We know of course that just because you can’t see something – doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. We can’t see or feel gravity, love, or many other things. We...Read More
As believers, our mind is moving to a place of being able to think as God thinks, of seeing and understanding the truth, and of being able to walk in the wisdom and understanding of God. Our mind (physical brain) receives and processes information from the outside world and our past experience – then helps...Read More
There are two extreme views on money in the church. I believe both these views are wrong. False belief: God wants us to be poor! False belief: God wants us to be rich! I believe the biblical response is to pray for prosperity.Read More
Do you realize that Jesus set boundaries for his family, his disciples, and those he ministered to? Boundaries are healthy and we need to learn how to set them in our life.Read More
How we respond to rejection matters. Here are three negative ways: Unforgiveness, Bitterness, Judgement. The key is learning how to get rid of it in your life.Read More