The Bible is clear about how human history will transition into a new reality. Yet, scholars often disagree about the order the major events. There are three major perspectives: premillennialism, postmillennialism, and amillennialism. Each have several variations within them and yet each perspective recognizes the following major events in different ways. Tribulation We will experience...Read More
When the message of Jesus began to spread across the roman empire and new communities of disciples were birthed – these communities were very small. In most cases, the early churches were small enough to meet in homes. Both Peter and Paul, the earliest missionaries who helped to see these churches birthed, felt the need...Read More
The Bible makes a claim that it is not the product of human reason but the very thoughts of God received by humanity in history and passed to us in written form. It is one hundred percent revelation – God’s perspective on everything. It’s God’s word. It originated from His mouth – then was recorded...Read More
We all have questions about life – both the purpose and how we ought to live to day. Where can we find the answers to our questions? Do we look to ourselves? Do we look to another person past or present? Is there more than one place to find an answer? If there is something...Read More
The Bible contains 66 books – 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament. The Bible is divided into two parts, the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) and Christian Writings (New Testament). The Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) were written by over thirty authors over a span of 1400 years in Hebrew...Read More
The Bible Is Not… A. A Book On Science…even though it contains scientific insights ahead of its time? On the Universe Time and Space – Gen 1:1,3 The Beginning – Gen 1 An Initial Void – Gen 1 An Expanding Universe – Is 40:22 Space is Empty – Job 26:7 That Hole In The North...Read More