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Discipleship & Groups

Developing a Baptism System

In evangelical churches, pastors and leaders are commissioned with the task of putting in place a system of recruiting, teaching, and administering baptism.  What do you teach?  How do you teach?  What's the system?
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Small Group Proposal Form

Use this form to get all small group leaders on the same page for the launch of a new small group season.  Use it as a chance to train and coach small group leaders.
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Giving Guide

I encourage churches to consider publishing a giving guide. It helps people understand why Christians give on a regular basis. I have included one I adapted....
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Why are Spirit-filled churches generally weak at discipleship?

In the early and mid-twentieth century, those who first joined the Pentecostal ranks sought an experience reflecting their Biblical understanding. Public education had biblical teaching in its curriculum, and church attendance was normative. Early records show that many joined Pentecostal ranks from Baptist, Methodist, and Presbyterian backgrounds looking for something more. Despite the removal of...
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Moving Your Church to a Discipleship Mindset

One of the questions I get from Pastors is how they can move the pendulum to be more focused on discipleship in their church.  I’d like to give you a few ideas about how that’s possible.  Model it without announcing it. Don’t stand on stage and tell people what you are going to do.  Quietly...
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Supporting Disciple-Making

There are various aspects that a church leadership team should consider in order to implement a culture of disciple-making in the local church. Here are a few of them. Clear Structure An understanding of the structures of the church. This includes the accountability structures of a pastor, board, elders, staff, etc. It also includes the...
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Fostering an Environment for New Believers to Grow

How do we care and help people on the journey to fully developing as followers of Jesus?  I don’t believe there is a silver bullet answer but perhaps a combination of several factors. Recognize Spiritual Birthing is a process Seed (1 Pet 1:23, John 3:9)Formed Inside (Gal 4:19)Birthed (Colossians 1:27, Colossians 3:4, 1 John 3:2)...
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Discipleship Systems Vs. Organizational Systems

For years, the local church has focused on developing a way to assimilate people who begin attending their church into participants in their church. Depending on how a church is setup, the metaphor of bases, tracks, pathways, classes, or stages is used.The journey can begin with meeting church leadership, an introduction to the mission, vision,...
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Discipleship & Small Groups

Discipleship In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus gave his disciples the mandate to go and make other disciples.  To transfer His way of thinking, His way of living/behaving, and His heart attitude through teaching, modeling, and practice – to others – just as he had with them.  History tells us that the early disciples made disciples, and we see this...
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Supporting Marriages

Biblical marriage is the bedrock of the family, which is the foundation upon which a successful society is built. As leaders, it is important to invest in strengthening marriages in our churches. Here are some common practices when it comes to strengthening marriage beyond offering sermon series on the topic. Pre-Marital Classes It’s vital to...
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