Same sex attraction is a lifestyle choice that has begun to be advocated publicly like no time since before the Roman Empire fell 1700 years ago. As church leaders, we must come to a place of developing a position and strategy in the society in which we live.
I would like to offer you a few suggested responses that I have learned to be best practises for those who wish to walk in truth and love.
A. Educate parishioners with the truth about:
- The Bible’s teaching on creation of genders, biblical marriage, and biblical sexuality. (here for more)
- Help people understand the difference between “gay feelings” and “gay actions”.
- Current scientific understanding about how a person may develop gay thoughts, feelings, and desires. (click for more)
- The LGBT political agenda is void of science – its history and current practices. (here for more)
B. Provide places that facilitate inner healing
- Work in conjunction with para-church organizations and counselors who are experts in caring for trauma
- Create a safe place for individuals to be ministered to spiritually.
C. Provide clear, articulate policies for volunteers and members with the help of legal experts in position papers, statements of faith, volunteer covenants, etc.
D. Provide environments that allow anyone to feel welcomed but with a clear understanding of your biblical worldview.