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Growing Disciples – Essential Training for Leaders of Ministries, Classes, and Groups in the Local Church

Get Started

All believers are called to be a disciple and make disciples.  Get started in the sphere of influence you have: at home, in your community, and in your church.


Each page and chapter has a space where notes can be made.  Lessons can be implemented immediately no matter what stage of leadership you are in.

Designed For Churches

Go to our Pastors section where you can download PowerPoints and Videos to help you implement training in your church.

Topics & Chapters

Part 1: Understanding Discipleship

What is Discipleship?

What was Matthew 28:19-20 in the mind of the disciples?  Does it translate in our culture as local outreach, foreign missions, classes, or Sunday services?

The Church That Disciples, Grows

The early church discipled.  After the church and state merged in Constantine, devoted believers retreated to the wilderness for discipleship.  Disciple-making was the focus of the Reformation.  Church growth is a result of disciple-making. 

Making Disciples Today

How do we define disciple-making? What does it mean to make disciples today? How do we take the timeless truths of scripture and apply them to our context?

Spiritual Growth Path

There are clear Biblical levels of maturity.  How do you recognize which level you and those you disciple are at?   Knowing, Believing, Behaving, Reproducing.

Content to Teach

What do I teach someone who has first come to faith?  Over a few years of spiritual growth, what areas of growth do I focus on?  What do I teach, model, practice, and replicate? How do I know someone is growing?

Group Environments

People can grow spiritually in all types of environments.  As a leader making disciples, it’s essential to clearly understand where and how you disciple others, in what, and for how long.  

Part 2: Leading in a Group Setting

Are You Ready to Disciple Others?

What stage of spiritual growth are you at?  Should you facilitate conversation as a peer, or are you ready to be a mentor to others?

Finding People

How do you find people to be a part of your group?  How do you invite?  What is your responsibility and your church leader’s role in promoting your group?

Group Meetups

How do you plan for when your group meets?  Where and when should you meet?  What should you have prepared and what should you just let happen?

Leading Discussion

How do you facilitate the conversation with different personality types present?   What kinds of questions should you ask?  How do you get back on track?

Building Relationship

How do you facilitate meaningful relationships between yourself and group members, group members and each other, and your group with outside groups?  

Appropriate Care

What is appropriate care for your group, and what are the boundaries you as a leader need to set?  What is helpful and what could be hurtful?

Practice Together

What are some ways you can take what you are learning and put it into practice?  How do take concepts and make them come alive?

Stops and Starts

Healthy groups take pauses during the year.  How do you recognize the natural rhythms of the year where you can launch, pause, or stop for a period of time?

Ending Well

Every group comes to a place where it multiplies, evolves, or ends.  How do you recognize the season you are in as a group and transition to the next season?

Part 3: Getting Started

Invest time to clarify your plan

Gather all you need in order to plan your group


Put your thoughts on paper so you will be able to communicate your vision

Next Step

Meeting with your church leader

Q & A

Is this a book that I can read through on my own?

Absolutely.  The book was designed to help give you the why and the how of discipleship.  Many churches have found it helpful in training their small group or ministry leaders as well.

What theological perspective is behind the book?

The book would appeal to anyone from a non-denominational, pentecostal, charismatic, or progressive Baptist background.  On key topics, the teaching encourages adult baptism, an involved and active Holy Spirit, and an open view of eschatology.

Teaching Others?

Downloads Area

Leading discipleship or small groups in your church?  Enter our church leadership pages, where you can download free PowerPoint templates and access videos and helpful tools to set discipleship in your church.