Use this form to get all small group leaders on the same page for the launch of a new small group season. Use it as a chance to train and coach small group leaders.
Ministry / Small Group Proposal Form
This following information is needed as we seek to release ministry, classes, and small groups in our church. Please complete this form as thoroughly as possible. Once completed, please turn the form and the information in to church office.
Leader Name: Date of request:
Home phone number: Work phone number:
E-mail address:
Type of group or ministry: (please check one below)
[ ] Class [ ] Ministry Idea [ ] Life Group [ ] Other
Group Name:
Co/Leader or Others Involved:
Purpose for the group (reason for having the group, what you are trying to accomplish):
Materials or resources the group will use:
Meeting plan or agenda (what will you teach, curriculum, etc at the meetings):
Meeting place/ Host: Meeting day and time:
Meeting frequency: (please check one below)
every week every other week twice a month once a month other: