No volunteers? I have never met a church that said we have enough staff and volunteers for the ministries that we imagine in our mind. The opportunity to be busy in the church and out of the church are endless. That’s why I’m learning to ask myself a few questions about the volunteer positions I...Read More
As you grow from a small church to a big church, it is important that your church moves from an auditory culture to a written culture. I suggest putting together a playbook so everyone gets and stays on the same page. Small churches stay small because everything is done by a few people who have...Read More
Welcome Thank you for choosing to serve at our church!!! As a member of our church, you are familiar with our statement of faith, constitution, mission, vision, and values. It would be good at this time to review them again to see if you agree with them. If you do, we are happy that you...Read More
To lead a church in the western world can be a daunting task. We face enormous pressure as we head into this new decade. In this article, I’d like to state the obvious and then offer a personal perspective. Here is the obvious. Church leaders are juggling different realities all at once. Generations, Migration, and...Read More
When the message of Jesus began to spread across the roman empire and new communities of disciples were birthed – these communities were very small. In most cases, the early churches were small enough to meet in homes. Both Peter and Paul, the earliest missionaries who helped to see these churches birthed, felt the need...Read More
There are several different ways to plan your sermons for Sunday mornings. We all lean towards a particular method depending on our predominant lean as a leader, our theological position, and what we’re comfortable with. Here are some of the common systems leaders use to plan their sermon series. Varied – can change from month to month &...Read More
One of the most difficult things to do is to take vision and implement strategy. The balanced scorecard method is one of the best ways to track the progress of strategy over time. If you’ve never heard of this method, rest easy, you are probably already using a variation of it in some way. A...Read More