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Pastors aren’t trained to be Leaders….but they can be

The truth is, most pastors are desperately needing leadership training.  Bible Colleges help mature Christians but few develop develop leaders of leaders. Disciples require discipleship.  Churches require leadership. Here's how to develop a leadership development culture in your church...
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Change Management

The Bible gives us clear principles for navigating change in our churches.  Sadly, while the business world has become wise to these principles - we often skip them over.
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Discipleship Systems Vs. Organizational Systems

For years, the local church has focused on developing a way to assimilate people who begin attending their church into participants in their church. Depending on how a church is setup, the metaphor of bases, tracks, pathways, classes, or stages is used.The journey can begin with meeting church leadership, an introduction to the mission, vision,...
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Juggling Expectations: Generations, Migration, Culture

To lead a church in the western world can be a daunting task. We face enormous pressure as we head into this new decade. In this article, I’d like to state the obvious and then offer a personal perspective. Here is the obvious. Church leaders are juggling different realities all at once. Generations, Migration, and...
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7 Systems For Your Church

Just as the human body is made up of 11 major systems that work in harmony (Circulatory, Digestive, Respiratory, Reproductive, Immune, Muscular, Skeletal, Nervous, etc.) the church is made up of several systems that all work together. These major systems have several lower interconnected systems that bring flow and alignment to your church. Are you...
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Message planning for disciple making

 There are several different ways to plan your sermons for Sunday mornings.  We all lean towards a particular method depending on our predominant lean as a leader, our theological position, and what we’re comfortable with.  Here are some of the common systems leaders use to plan their sermon series. Varied – can change from month to month &...
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A “care system” for your church

Part of the responsibility of the local church is to care for people.  People inside and people outside. If you ever embrace that call - and open the door - its hard to put that monster back inside the closet. Here's how to manage the care monster...
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